Friday, November 16, 2012

Festival of Tree's 2012

It's that time of year again when Maddy's starts doing her dance recitals. They are so fun to watch and quite entertaining. Given that all the girls are between 3-4 years old you never know what to expect! This will be her second year in dance and she loves it! And she loves dancing for everyone. This year her costume is adorable! Last year I wasn't too impressed with her outfit but this year they are so bright and fun. This video is of her first dance recital for the year. I am not sure how I got so lucky and landed a front row seat since the Festival of Tree's is always packed full. A little ways into the dance Maddy and the little girl in front of her get distracted and are both doing the same move while the rest of the class is doing a different part. Made me laugh! At least she wasn't alone ;)